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Voltage Dividers


This is just under construction and is nowhere near ready for review, but it's in the repo so I can keep track of it.

Limits of Voltage Dividers

Voltage dividers are amazing things, and you definitely will want to use a lot of them. They do have their limitations though. Typically, a voltage divider is only useful up to a small number of milliamps (mA). Above that, you absolutely need a different solution, like a voltage regulator.

Choosing Resistor Decades

Current is king. As is always the case.

Where to Start

For µA loads, I'd start with things in the 100kΩ range. For mA loads, I'd start with 1-10kΩ. If you need more than a few mA, then you really need a voltage regulator, not a voltage divider.

Comments or Questions?

If you have any comments, questions, or topics you'd like to see covered, please feel free to either reach out to me on Mastodon (link below) or open an issue on Github.